We are two people

Gen2:7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

The word life in the expression “breath of life” is chay in the Hebrew which is plural in number. When God breathed Adam’s spirit into the body he formed, his soul was created. As a result Adam had two kinds of life in him. A spiritual life and a soulish life.

Adam was a spirit being. When his spirit entered into the body that God had formed he became a living soul.

So Adam became two people merged into one, and his soul became the controlling factor. His soul had control over his spirit.

This breath of life is man’s spirit, the source of man’s life. This breath of life comes out of God. God breathed our spirit into our body and our soul was created and we became a living soul.

Our spirit came out of eternity, and it existed before it entered the body God had formed.

When the spirit entered the body the soul was produced. The body is organic (consisting of organs). The life or soul of the body is in the blood.

Our soul is directly related to the blood stream which gives the organs of the body life. So our soul is directly related to our body. I call it the soul-flesh.

We were in Christ before the foundation or the forming of the natural creation.

God desired us, He thought about us, He imagined us, He saw us, He knew us, He wrote a book or scroll about us, and we were in agreement with it, before we were born a human being.

Our spirit preexisted in God. When God breathed it into the body it took on another dimension, a level of existence and consciousness with the capacity to grow and develop in God through partaking of the way of the tree of life, which is called the ancient path.

This new dimension that our spirit entered into is the natural realm.

We were created in such a way, that we can be influenced by the spiritual realm.

Either the Spirit of God is influencing us and we allow Him to govern us or we are being influenced and controlled by the God of this world who blinds the minds of those who do not believe.

When we are born from above then we have the ability to see and enter the kingdom realm of the Spirit and live in dual realms heaven and earth.

In the new birth of our spirit, our will has direct control over our spirit. But our spirit must now grow and wax strong in the Lord, so that through our spirit we can bring the mind and emotions of our soul into subjection to the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit.

So, we are two people merged into one. Either our soul will continue to govern our life, or we can learn to activate our spirit in God and build it up and bring the soul under submission, so that our soul can be transformed.

Transformed is a change of life form. We are living by the divine life of God in our spirit which now begins to form our soul. We are being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

The bible calls these two people, the outward man and the inward man.

2 Corinthians16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

By The General

I am set in the Body of Christ as a Teacher and called to be an Apostle

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