What is a walk with God?

Jesus is calling us to follow him, to become his disciple and then teach other how to follow him. In order to follow the Lord, we have to learn to walk with him. The word walk refers to the whole of all our activities.

The word follow means- come after me from behind. So to walk with God we have to continually be looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. We no longer live the rest of our time in the natural body for the desires of mankind but the will of God, no longer for the lusts of the flesh, but the desires of our spirit in union with God. 1 Peter4:2

In order to walk in the spirit, our spirit must come alive unto God. Our spirit is like a womb and becomes impregnated with the life of God through the living word of God.

When we are willing to let Jesus be the Lord of our lives, He supernaturally quickens His word to us so that we can understand how to walk pleasing to Him.

So to walk with God we have to be born of the Spirit. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6

When we receive Jesus as our savior we are given the authority to become a child of God, to be born of the Spirit, to be born from above, the realm of spirit where God lives.

When we are born of the Spirit we can then see and enter into the Kingdom. The kingdom is the rule of God over our lives, which is a government of rest.

The kingdom of God is not of this world, it is the kingdom of heaven, which exists in the unseen realm, which is in another dimension parallel to the natural world. Heaven is not a matter of distance, but plane (level of existence). The unseen realm is more real than the natural realm because the natural realm will pass away. There are angels right now besides us and maybe a few demons if we do not have a walk with God.

There are three heavens, but right now we are dealing with the spiritual dimension involved with walking with God here on earth. To walk with God means that we allow the Holy Spirit to govern our life, giving us the desire, the motivation, the right attitude, allowing Him to direct our thinking and emotions. We are exposing ourselves to God, to allow Him to influence us. We are drinking of His Spirit, partaking of His nature so that it rises up in us in order to move us in the direction He will lead.

As we partake of the Spirit we are filled with the Spirit, we come under His influence so that our emotions are energized by His Spirit. Our emotions are basically what energizes us and motivates us; the joy of the Lord is our strength. If we don’t feel any joy, it is because we are not aware of God’s presence. We have to be aware of God’s presence to walk with him.

Once our spirit is alive to God it has certain senses that we begin to become aware of and develop in. As our spirit grows our senses are trained by the Holy Spirit.

God has male and female characteristics and the first Adam was created in his image being male and female, until God took the female part out of him. He took one of Adam’s ribs and constructed a woman to make a helper suitable for him, and to build a family. The word rib is a feminine noun meaning side. Eve was called alongside of him to help him, and then was joined to him as one flesh speaking of marriage.

When we are born of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit is called along side of us to help us. The word Spirit is a feminine noun and the Holy Spirit becomes like a mother to us, to teach us about her firstborn son (Jesus) and quicken the Word to us and then to lead us to God the Father for him to begin to Father us once we come of age.

To walk with God we have to become aware of the Holy Spirit, who takes of the provision of Jesus and ministers it to us. Jesus becomes to us whatever we have need of, in our spiritual growth so that we may grow up into him in all things. Our destiny on earth is to be conformed to his image and this is what a walk with God is all about.

In a walk with God we can do nothing of ourselves but all things through Christ which strengthens us-Phil 4:13. In a walk with God we are continually looking to the Lord to see who He wants to become to us and in us. We are becoming God centered and God dependant.

A walk with God is all about the grace of God. We go from grace to grace, from faith to faith, from strength to strength, from glory to glory. A walk with God is a journey into the fullness of God.

A walk with God is living by every word which proceeds out of God’s mouth. The Holy Spirit quickens the word to us and then we walk in it and then we become it.

So to walk with God we have to see where we are going. It is the narrow way, which leadeth into more and more of the life of God becoming manifest in us continuously. It is the highway of holiness where we are continually being set apart to Him, until we become aware of our destiny and we begin walking in the living works prepared for us to walk in from the foundation of the earth. It leads into more and more responsibility in the Kingdom of God.

There are some basic disciplines in walking with God that we will learn. The discipline of the Christian life is to have a meeting with the Lord. So we will learn how to wait on the Lord, how to meditate on his word, how to worship and how to pray.