If we want to personally encounter God inside of us and the heavenly realms outside of us, we need to be aware of our spirit and learn how to exercise it, so that it grows and becomes strong.

If we are not aware of our spirit and learn how to develop it, we will not be able to enter into the realm in which God lives. God is Spirit and we develop a relationship with him as our spirit grows and becomes aware of him.

So, what is our spirit?  Where does our spirit come from? What is our spirit made of? Where is our spirit located? What does our spirit do? And how do we engage our spirit?

 If we do not know the answers to these questions, we will not be able to embrace who we really are and grow spiritually so that we are able to fulfill our destiny in this life.

 1 John 5:5 this is the message that we heard from him and announced to you that God is light.  God is described in the word of God as light.

 Now there are two kinds of light. God is creative light. God has created everything out of himself as light. There is creative light and there is created light, like the sun and stars and everything else that we see in the natural realm. We see this natural light because it is reflecting off things and we capture it in our physical eye.

 John4:24 says God is Spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. So, God describes himself as Spirit. So, if God is Spirit and God is light then we are spirit and our spirit is light, because we are made in the image of God.

Our spirit preexisted in eternity as thoughts within the heart or mind of God and God vocalized those thoughts and created us as a spirit being before we became a human being.

We were created in spirit before we were created in the Flesh. When our natural mother’s and father’s seed comes together, our body is formed and when our spirit enters into it our body, our soul comes into existence, it did not exist before this, but our spirit did.

Psalm 139: 13 for you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother’s womb.

  We see here that God was involved in the creation process. But it also says your eyes have seen my unformed substance. So, there was a substance that existed in eternity which was unformed in the natural realm. The word in Hebrew is golem and is translated embryo, fetus in the Hebrew, but it is the only used in one scripture (Psalm 139:15).

Psalm 139:15- Psalm 139:16 your eyes have seen my unformed substance and in your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.

The root of the word is gālam, and means wrap together, to be rolled up, folded together. It is only used in one scripture (2 Kings 2: 8). 

2 Kings 2: 8- Now Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up, and struck the water; and it was divided this way and that, so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground.

I believe that it is talking about the substance of our spirit in eternity. But you can translate it as the fetus (an offspring of a human or other mammal in the stages of prenatal development). But the fact is that God imagined us, had all these wonderful thoughts about us, and spoke us into existence as a spirit being. And wrote a scroll about our life as a new creation upon the earth and the living works that we are supposed to walk in, it is our destiny scroll, and a scroll unrolls so that every day we live on earth, we have a mandate for that day that we are suppose to walk in or do.

It also says in your book or scroll was written the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them.

So, all this occurred before there was a physical day on the earth. It all happened in eternity. In Eternity we have a destiny scroll that was preordained for us to walk in. But we will not be able to fulfill it if we are not aware of our spirit and learn how to develop it.

 So, it is important to know that our spirit didn’t just occur when we were born. When we were actually conceived in our mother’s womb there is a flash of light that occurs, and our spirit comes into the cells of our body at that point. And scientists can prove this.

 So, our spirit really is our eternal essence. It came from eternity and will return to eternity. The words for spirit in the Bible, in the Greek (pneuma) and in the Hebrew (Ruach) it talks about wind or breath. So, our real-life is contained within our spirit. It is the breath of life, the essence of our life.

Our spirit really is the center of our being, our innermost being. This is how it is described, in the bible.

Our spirit is the purest representation of our true self. So, we need to learn how to engage it, in order to know who we are.

Because when God spoke us into creation and God wrote that book about our lives, he ordained us with redemptive gifts, with spiritual gifts, with abilities and callings. All those things are contained within our spirit.

Our spirit is the part of us that is God conscious, and as our spirit grows inside of us (or the seed of God, the living word, Jesus conceived in our spirit when we are born from above)- then the knowledge of what our spirit contains is transferred to our soul (mind), so that we can understand it.

So, we need to know our identity. If we get our identity from our soul alone, then we’ll have been shaped by what we have received from the world outside of us, or what we have received from our parents or through situations in our lives.

 So, our soul is shaped through nurture, nature and trauma. But our spirit preexisted all of that. Our spirit comes directly from the heart of God. It is really important that we understand ourselves.

Our spirit is not limited by time and space. So, our spirit can engage in the spiritual realms and go back in time and forward in time. This is where prophecy comes from; our spirit perceives our future or the future of others. Our spirit is bigger on the inside than it might appear. We might think because our spirit is contained within our body it must be really small.

Our spirit is a dimensional place, it is in heavenly places in Christ, but it is also on the earth. So where is our spirit?  It is in our body, but it’s not contained just within our body. In our body our spirit actually dwells in the brain and spinal column cavity and is separated from our blood.

 It is really important to understand this, because our blood contains the record of our natural genetic makeup and generational line. Our soul is directly related to our blood.

 So, our spirit is separate from our blood, and it’s deliberately separate so that it can actually engage our soul and body and change it.

Now it says in the bible in Proverbs as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Not what he thinks in his brain, but in his heart so is he. So, what we think in our heart, what we think about ourselves, is programmed into our subconscious mind, which then triggers into our conscious mind, and determines who we are and how we act.

 So, we need our spirit that knows who we are preexistent in God, to inform our subconscious mind, or conscious mind and that’s what it does if we engage it.

 So, our spirit needs to engage our heart (the heart mostly revers to our soul in the bible). That is why the river of life flows from our spirit into our heart and is part of the process of reprogramming us to know who we are.

The life of God flowing into our soul and body can reprogram our natural D.N.A.

 Now the field of the science that is developing around this thing is called epigenetic’s. In other words, things outside of the DNA can program the DNA.

Our spirit is the breath of life and when it is filled with the life of God it flows into our heart (soul) with truth and revelation. Our heart then transfers that to the rest of our body and is actually received into the brain across the blood brain barrier.

Our spirit has an active role to play in the transformation of our soul. We want to be shaped after what God says, rather than what everyone else says.

Our soul is directly related to our blood and our white blood cells contain the record of our 22+ 22 autosomes from both parents. There are 44 autosomes which contain the record of all our genetic material and that determines what we look like physically and all the other things that are passed on within that genetic material. There are also one plus one chromosomes which determine whether we are male or female. This is what makes up basically our genetic make-up.

 So, it is really important if we want to be who God created us to be that we get reprogrammed by the Spirit. The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, causing it to grow, because our spirit is like a sponge that soaks up the presence of God. The more presence our spirit is able to hold the more it grows. The life of God then flows into our soul transforming it and into our body quickening it.

 Our spirit and the Holy Spirit bringing the truth of who we really are, the truth of how God sees us, what God says about us, what our identity is in God, transforms our soul.

The more the life of God flows through our spirit, the more we believe what our spirit is capable of, until there are no limits to what we can do. God has given us creative abilities within our spirit to transform and change things around us and within our lives, but these have to grow and be developed.

So, our spirit is a dimensional place that God dwells in and we can dwell in God, which is hard for our mind to figure out.  It seems quite complicated because we only think about it as a physical thing, and it isn’t physical. So, our spirit is not just contained by our body, but has access into the spiritual realms.

 John 14:20 in that day you will know that I am in my father and you’re in me and I am in you and in verse 23 it says we will come to him and make our abode or our home with him. So, God dwells in us, he lives within our spirit in an area in our spirit called the kingdom of God.

We are spirit, the eternal essence of God which receives spiritual revelation. This is really important to understand if we want to understand anything about God and anything about the realms of the spirit.

 We cannot do it by intellect, it has to come by spiritual revelation. So, our spirit makes us conscious of God and the spiritual realms.

We have a soul that makes us self-conscious and makes us a human being. When our spirit starts sensing the life and presence of God, and our soul is restored and brought back into harmony with our spirit, we start to experience what it means to be a new creation. We are beyond human.

When God made Adam, he formed a body out of the gold dust that covered the earth and breathed himself into it. He stepped in and out of him and seen a perfect reflection of himself.

Genesis 2: 10 Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it parted and became four riverheads. 11 The name of the first is Pishon; it is the one which skirts the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 And the gold of that land is good. Bdellium and the onyx stone are there. 13 The name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one which goes around the whole land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is Hiddekel; it is the one which goes toward the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.

So, I believe God make Adams body out of gold dust, not the dust of the earth as we know it now. Because the earth and animals changed when Adam partook of the tree of the knowledge and were subjected to futility. This river pishon (means increase) and there was gold dust all around it.

Genesis 2: 7And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Adams spirit came out of God’s Spirit and was creative light. Adam had access to the heavenly realm and now had access to the natural realm through the body the Lord had made.

 When Adam’s spirit entered the body, he became a living soul. His spirit was on the outside and then the soul and then the body. He had an amazing relationship with God which was not hindered by anything, and it was pure intimacy.

Adam had access to Eden (God’s Garden in heaven) through his spirit and the first thing God did after he put Adam in the body, he had formed was plant a garden on the earth eastward in Eden. So there are two gardens, one in heaven and one on the earth at that time.

Now Adam was to guard the garden and replenish the earth, because it was in its second estate because of the fall of Lucifer. After Adam fell the earth was in its third estate.

Psalm 8:4 says what is man that you have thought of him and the son of man that you care for him. Yet you have made him a little lower than God and crowned him with glory and majesty.

Adam was crowned with glory and majesty. That glory was the radiant light of his spirit connected with God. And then it says this- you make him to rule over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet.

 That is our destiny; we are the ecclesia, those called out to govern, ruling with everything under our feet. And that is going to be restored before Jesus returns.

Jesus must remain in heaven until the restoration of all things, until all his enemies (those in opposition) are under our feet. That restoration begins in us as we surrender control of our life to the lordship of Jesus over our spirit.

Within our spirit there is a door. That door is the door into the realm of the kingdom on the inside of us.

 Revelation 320 Jesus said behold I am standing at the door and knocking, open the door and let me in. So that’s in our spirit within our body, the kingdom within us and that door or gateway is the first Love gate and that is the prime place of engagement with our spirit and with the Holy Spirit within us. It is also the seat of government in our life.

 When we surrender the seat of government to God and we invite him to be Lord over our lives, he then empowers us. But if we keep control of our lives, then we have to try and manage our own lives.

So, when we surrender, it is not giving up, it is embracing a whole new power, to change, to be transformed, to be who we were created to be by the father in eternity.

As we surrender, through the infilling of the Spirit our spirit is strengthened and grows, so that our soul and body come under its government.

When we learn how to strengthen our spirit it begins to grow and expand and we are restored to what Adam originally had and greater, because we are partaking of the way of the tree of life.

Our spirit came out of heaven and has a scroll of destiny within it, but our heart also has a scroll in it, the record of the D.N. A. which we received from our natural parents.

As our spirit begins to grow and develop, then the life of God flows through it into our heart (soul) and begins to reprogram it.

In our heart, our subconscious mind begins to connect with our spirit and just draws life from the Spirit, so that then our heart is programmed by the truth that is contained within God’s thoughts for us and what he says about us from eternity and we begin to perceive what our identity is in God.

Who we are in heaven can then dictate, determine what our mind thinks. Because as we think in our heart, we will then begin to consciously become aware of and that will determine how we live.

Because we live by the conscious choices we make every day, if our heart is programmed by our past then we will keep making the same choices, usually the wrong ones every day. If our heart is programmed by our future and our eternal past then we can begin to make the choices which line up with God’s  destiny for us and the things he’s created for us to do.

Through the inflowing of God’s life through our spirit into our soul will begin to program how we think so we can begin to do the things that God shows us to do. This is how Jesus lived every day only doing what he saw the father doing, because his spirit was connected with the realms of heaven and the Father and through the inflowing of the Spirit was actually making the choices that enabled him to fulfill his destiny.

In heaven we have Eden-God’s Garden, then we have the garden that was Adam and Eve’s and the river of life flowing from God’s garden into their garden and then it flowed out to water the rest of the earth.

This is a picture of what happens in our life. We have the river of life that flows out of heaven into our spirit and then into the garden of our heart and then out of us and around us to create an atmosphere of the Spirit around us, in which amazing things will happen. We are going to see amazing things that will happen when we learn to grow our spirit so it is bigger than our body and creates an atmosphere around us where God rules and we rule.

 That’s why Peter’s shadow could heal people because his spirit was active around him. That’s why people could touch Jesus and draw life and power for healing out of his physical body, because they were touching the realm of the spirit that was around him.

As our spirit grows and transforms our soul we are going to learn how to walk in the works that Jesus did and even greater, but first we are going to have to learn how to grow our spirit so that it becomes aware of the unseen realm of Gods kingdom.

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