What is the anointing?

It is the ability of God that is imparted into us, to do his work. Without him we can do nothing of eternal value, but through him we can do all things.

God has to put into us his ability to do his work; we become a co-laborer with God by yielding, to the anointing that flows into us from heaven.

God works in us to will through the impartation of his nature. We experience the divine nature, the glory of his presence and his desires and motivations become ours.

Then God works in us to do through the impartation of his anointing, the ability to do that which we now desire. God is revealed in the things that we say and do.

The impartation of His ability into our lives to do His work is called ‘the anointing’. 

The Anointing is precious and holy. The anointing that flows into His vessels is so holy that God warns others against touching His anointed ones (1 Chronicles 16:22).  

We can see the anointing as it is manifested in his chosen vessels. Bezaleel and Aholiab received special skill in metal work, jewelry and embroidery (Exodus 31:1-6). God attributes their ability, and those with them, to His anointing (Exodus 31:6). Moses and the seventy elders received special ability to govern and lead Israel (Numbers 11:16, 17, 25). Joshua received special wisdom (Deuteronomy 34:9). David’s special ability as a mighty soldier and warrior came from the anointing upon his life (2 Samuel 22:33-35). The anointing is not a natural ability but it is a supernatural impartation that flows into the believer.

Elijah and Elisha received the power to work miracles through the anointing upon their lives (2 Kings 2:9, 14). Daniel received supernatural understanding and wisdom through the anointing upon his life (Daniel 5:11). Jesus began His miracle ministry after receiving the anointing upon His life (Acts 10:38). 

The anointing is a tangible measure of God’s Holy Spirit imparted upon those He has chosen and this anointing gives them the special supernatural ability to fulfill God’s call on their lives. 

All the people used in the bible had no ability in themselves. But when the anointing came upon their lives, they could do things above and beyond their human ability.

Jesus told his disciple to wait till they were endued with power from on high, to wait until they received His anointing before they went out to minister (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-9). When His church was persecuted, they prayed for a greater anointing of boldness and received it! (Acts 4:29-31). The anointing imparted was so great that even the building that they were in shook.

The moving of the Holy Spirit within us, the manifestation of his anointing within us is what evangelizes the world.  Paul’s speech and preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Corinthians 2:4). 2 Corinthians 12:11, 12). 

All the works of Jesus resulted from His being anointed by the Father! The anointing of the Holy Spirit always produces power. The word ‘power’ which is associated with the anointing comes from the Greek word ‘dunamis’ which means ‘ability’. God’s ability is imparted through the anointing.

The anointing is the enablement or impartation of God’s ability upon an available and yielded vessel to fulfill their destiny, to walk in the works prepared for them from the foundation of the world.

The anointing in itself is of a heavenly materiality. It is a spiritual substance which inherently contains God’s power. Just like electricity can be stored so can the anointing. The anointing in Paul’s hands was transmitted and stored in handkerchiefs and aprons (Acts 19:11, 12).

Elisha’s anointing was still stored in his dead bones. There was enough stored power to raise a person from the dead (2 Kings 13:21).

As we learn how to walk in the anointing, we can say that we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the power may be of God and not of ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:7).                   

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