What makes a Passover succeed or what makes a Passover fail

The first Passover in Egypt failed in the sense that those delivered were not able to bear the Word of the Lord. They came out from Egypt but not into a receptivity of what God was saying.

The next Passover at the Jordan River came to another generation who listened to what God said and possessed their inheritance. The Passover has failed if you have only escaped. The Passover has succeeded if you lay hold of His promises.

The reason that these churches that walk with God have not reached in more to the purposes of God is because they have still not had that capacity of hungering after the Word, yearning after what God would speak to their heart.

If this year is going to write a great deal in the history of change, it is going to come to pass because we have been circumcised in heart and we have prepared our ears to hear what God will say to us.

Canaan will be yours, but remember you get it because you have removed any barrier to receiving full instruction from God’s Word.

Only the heart that is really geared to the Word, focused upon that Word, filled with that Word will see the meaning of our present circumstances in the light of the ultimate victory that He has for us.

It is not enough to be delivered out of circumstances. You must be delivered with a hope and a fire that burns in your heart because of a Word of destiny that God has given you.

There is no problem today that cannot be met by a Word from God; and there is no vision of the future that cannot be fulfilled if we have the Word of God hidden away in our heart.

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