Working on our gateways

We are a three part being, spirit, soul and body. We are a spirit, we are a soul and we are a body. Each part of us has different senses or abilities or functions. Each part of us is designed to work together with the other parts of us, so that the life of God can flow through us like a river into the natural realm and touch everyone around us bringing revival to those in the world.

Our spirit came out of heaven and the seed of God was conceived in it when we were born from above in the natural realm. Our spirit becomes divine; the offspring of God through the D.N.A of God in His seed, which is conceived in our spirit. The seed in us grows until Christ is formed in us and we become in the natural who we are already in eternity.

When our spirit entered our body the soul was created, which did not exist before this. Our soul and body are interrelated and is what makes us human, this is our natural life.

Our spirit makes us divine. We are a new creation which never existed before being a divine human being. Our soul goes through a transformation so that the life of God and our human life become one, and no longer two, causing conflict.

Our spirit is the part of us that is God conscious, our soul is the part of us that is self conscious and our body is the part of us that is conscious of the natural world that we live in.

Our spirit is the breath of God, the part of us that was made in his image. Our spirit came out of eternity and will go back into eternity; it is the source of our life.

When our spirit entered the womb of our mother, our soul was created; we were born a human being. Our soul has to do with our natural created life. Our soul was not eternal but the result of the union of our spirit with a human body.

When our spirit entered our body it entered into a place of darkness because of the D.N.A of our human parents. Our spirit still functioned and had senses but it was not joined to the Lord as one spirit.

Our spirit is like a womb that has to be opened and impregnated with the life of God. The seed of God or D.N.A of God has to be conceived in our spirit. Our spirit has to be born of God.

When our spirit becomes aware of God drawing us, God calling us to open up our spirit to him, He comes into it and then our spirit senses the life or presence of God inside of it.

God is knocking on the door of our spirit, asking us to open it so that He can come in and commune (to relate) with us. When our spirit becomes alive to God it then senses the uncreated life of God, His divine nature and participates in it having a common life, or fellowship of life.

There is a door in our spirit that we call the first love gate. When we open this door, God comes in and our spirit senses his divine love, so it is called first love, because we have never experienced this kind of love before, it is on a higher or deeper level than human love.

The first love gate is also called the heavenly gate, because this is the access point between heaven and earth. When we sense the presence of God we sense the unseen realm which is another dimension, we become conscious of the realm that God lives in. The presence of God permeates this realm, everything is living there on a different level than the natural realm, the rocks, the trees, the grass, everything, it is like a parallel universe and is called the unseen realm, but it also has been created by God, it is not eternity, there is time there also but hours there can be like minutes here, you cannot be late in heaven, the time works for you and not against you. Eternity is another dimension, where there is no time.

The first love gate is where God comes into our spirit and joins himself to it, and then our spirit has gateways in which the life and presence of God flow into our soul.

We have eight major spirit gates , seven soul gates and five body gates and this makes up numerous combinations of how the life of God flows through us. These are the gateways that I am aware of, but there may be more, but it gives us a picture of how we are supposed to function.

Our major spirit gates are· Revelation · Intuition · Fear of God · Prayer · Reverence · Faith · Hope · Worship

 Our soul gates are-· Conscience · Reason · Imagination · Mind · Emotions · Choices · Will 

Our body gates are sight, hearing, taste, touch, Smell.

 We can look at each combination of gateways to see how they work together.

We need to begin working every day on these gateways in order to understand them, to open them, to activate them, to cleanse and purify them and to unify them.

It is important that we learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit of the Lord.  The life of the lord flows into our different spirit gates, through our soul gates and through our body gates out into the world around us. It is so important that this begins to flow. A walk with the lord is a flow of the Spirit.

Eternal life is the life of God; it is a quality of life, it is the life that is inherent in God, and is uncreated. This life is pictured as fruit, it is something that grows and increases and expands in us. God’s love and joy and peace, faith, gentleness, all the fruit of the Spirit and all of his divine attributes should continually be increasing in our lives.

This life is pictured as a river, it starts out small and gets bigger and bigger and brings life to everything it comes into contact with. The river of life is always flowing but if our gateways are not open then the flow gets blocked so that we are not aware of the presence and life of God, but something which is contrary and in opposition to the life of God.

It is this kind of life that we have to learn how to walk in, as it begins to flow through our gateways. To walk in the life of God refers to all our activities being in God. We are thinking the thoughts of God, feeling the emotions of God, and being led and moved by His Spirit, he is directing all our activities.

To walk in the Spirit we have to be filled with the Spirit, which means the life of God is flowing into the gateways of spirit, soul and body and being expressed through us so that whoever we come into contact with, will see a reflection of God, because we are conformed to his image.

To be conformed to his image we have to go through a transformation process so that we become a habitation of God, not only in the spirit, but in our soul and body. Everything in our heart not like him is removed through the principle of displacement so that we can be filled with all the fullness of God.

Most Christians are more aware of their body and their soul, and every once and a while, they become aware of the presence of God in their spirit.

We need to be so aware of our spirit in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, so that we have no self-awareness apart from our awareness of the eternal life of the Lord. Our spirit must become predominant, so that we become spirit; soul and body in that order.

It is no good having a strong spirit if our soul is still battling us and in charge, so we have to co-operate with the Spirit of God as He reveals the things in our soul that need to be dealt with so that he can occupy it. God desires to sanctify us, spirit, soul and body.  We are sanctified through God’s presence occupying those areas of our life, so we have to surrender and yield those areas of our life to Him to heal and cleanse and transform.

As we begin to work on our gateways, we begin to realize how blocked, fractured, and independent our soul was.

Most the time we feel separated, and fragmented, because of all that has happened to us in our lives and the damage that has been done and God wants to bring healing and wholeness, to restore us to our true identity and destiny.  Our identity is who we are in Christ; our destiny is to rule with Him.

We begin to look to see how each spirit gate works. How each soul gate works, and how they work together and how they flow from the inside out. 

We practice drawing the provision (eternal life, rivers of living water) so that it flows into our spirit and then releasing it through the various combinations of the gates.

Once our spirit becomes alive to God and it senses the life of God, the fruit of the Spirit, we can tune into to it and draw it into our spirit.

We need to learn how to practice the presence of God. We can focus on one attribute of God and practice it. And then focus in on another one and practice that.

We can sense of love of God, our emotions can feel it. If we cannot feel it, what are we feeling that is contrary to it? What is blocking the flow of God’s love into our heart? Our heart is our soul, and because of our life experiences, seeds have been sown into our heart by the enemy that produces roots and fruits. The cleansing of our gateways are having those seeds removed, so that there is no more fruit in our life that is contrary to the fruit of God’s Spirit.

Once we can sense the love of God, and feel the love of God in our emotions, we want it to expand. How much does God love us? Our spirit tunes in and as the gateways of our soul become healed and cleansed, we begin to experience all the thoughts of God about us from eternity, Spontaneous thoughts coming into our mind of God’s love for us. If they do not come immediately they come eventually because we asked God a question and he will respond. We are learning how to hear the voice of God.

As our soul becomes healed and cleansed, and we realize that we are the beloved of God, then we want to beam that love to others. First we learn how to receive love from God, and then we love others with that same love we have received. Freely we have received, freely we give.

The love of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, then our soul and out through our body in acts of love towards others. As we begin to actively love others then the gifts of the Spirit begin to start working, and eventually we begin knowing as we are known.

 In the beginning we need to consciously be aware of how the life of God flows into our spirit gates, into our soul gates, into our body gates and how the gateways work together.

As we begin to learn how to live and walk in the Spirit, we won’t have to consciously think about it anymore, we will find that our gateways are working together as they are suppose to.

Every day we choose to partner with the Holy Spirit by surrendering our spirit so that it can be joined to Him.

 As we learn how to activate our spirit, build up our spirit and exercise it, so that the life of God flows into it, our spirit will no longer be feeble, but strong in the lord able to bring our soul and body under the influence of the Life of God flowing into our spirit.

We have the capacity to strengthen our spirit but we have to be able to locate it, and exercise it, so that we become more aware of it, and more aware of the flow of eternal life in it.

In order for the life of God to flow into our soul, our soul gates have to be cleansed, restored and renewed. We have to once and for all deal with our past. The blood of Jesus must be applied to cleanse the soul of guilt and shame, the love of God must be applied to heal and restore.

God has reconciled us to himself. So we are not asking God to forgive us in the sense that we have offended him, we are receiving forgiveness which is the removal of the offense that is in our heart not his.

Once we deal with our past, we want to be present-future with the Lord.

If we want to walk in our destiny we have to deal with our past, we cannot be a person who is controlled by their past. God wants us to be controlled by eternity to see who we are in the future, to engage in those divine attributes and bring them into our present reality.

If we keep talking about the past and the past keeps affecting us and we keep being brought under the control of our past, then we cannot grow spiritually.

 The damage and abuse of different things that have happened to us in the past, the things that were done to us, the things that we have done to ourselves, and the things that still may be controlling us, if we do not get free from these things, then our soul will be occupied with them and the life of God will not be able to flow into our soul and bring healing and deliverance. So our soul must go through a transformation process, certain things in it have to die, so that the presence of God can occupy that space in our heart.

Our soul has to be transformed, which is a change of life form. Our soul no longer acts independently of the Spirit of God being occupied with the things of this world, but our soul comes into submission to the life of God flowing into our spirit and begins to draw its life source from that.

 We cannot just lay hands on a person and see them transformed. Fruit has to grow and develop through the revelation of spiritual principles and learning how to walk in them.

As we learn how to be occupied with the eternal life of God, this life will begin to grow in us and expand so that we will be able to live and walk in the spirit, instead of being a person that is troubled in their soul.

We have to learn how to partake of the provision of Jesus Christ; it has to be outworked in us.

 We have to learn how to surrender and yield to the presence of God inside, so that through the flowing of that life, we can be cleansed and restored.

We need to understand the legal and vital aspects of the cross. The impartation of eternal life by the quickening of our spirit is an instantaneous experience, we experience first love, but the outworking of it into our soul does not automatically happen. Unless our soul is transformed we will never fulfill our destiny here upon the earth.

We have to learn how to partner with the Holy Spirit in our transformation.

Some believe that Jesus did everything on the cross and we don’t have to do anything, but this is not true. We have to participate in our salvation. Salvation is transformation into his image. We have to partake of the divine nature. We have to appropriate the finished work of Christ. We have to learn how to engage in it and apply it so that it will change us and transform us.

It is a journey and a process of becoming like Him and growing spiritually, so that we learn how to respond to the things that happen in our life, in our circumstances and situations in the fruit of the spirit and not in our soul acting independently of the Lord.

We are learning how to live, move and respond in the Spirit, instead of murmuring and complaining, getting upset and frustrated, becoming depressed and fearful. All the manifestations of the self life are being removed, so that the life of Jesus can be manifested in us on a continual basis, every increasing, being renewed and expanded every day.