Worship without distraction

A walk with God begins with a revelation of the Lord, and it is the worshiper who will come into that revelation. With each deeper step in revelation there is a corresponding step into deeper worship.

Those who will walk with God are those who set themselves to follow on to know the Lord with undistracted devotion.

We rejoice in the gifts and the ministries that reveal and guide us as churches and individuals. However, the ultimate goal is to know the Lord. All our worship, our flowing in the gifts of the Spirit, our sermons, and our exhortations will be in vain if they do not motivate us to draw near to Him, to focus on Him, to truly walk with Him.

These lessons of worship contain teachings which are fresh and vital to entering into a deeper worship. They go beyond our understanding and experience in worship in the past. They lead us to a deeper revelation of our relationship to the Lord as those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. It is this worship that takes us beyond the veil into His very presence where the Word will be written upon our hearts.

In these days when changes are taking place in the whole world, even God’s people have not known what was to have priority. Many things face us. What is the most important of all? What are we to do?  

God suddenly answers us, “You are to worship Me!” Therefore, we cease to magnify anything else as being of prime concern as we stand and worship. Only one thing could defeat us in the time of problems and persecution, and that would be our forgetting that we are a people raised up to worship God.

When we are set to worship, we enter into something beyond faith. Is there such a thing as “something beyond faith”? Yes, the three Hebrews were told that if they did not bow down to the image on the plain of Dura, they would be thrown into a fiery furnace.  

They said, “We do not know whether our God will deliver us or not, but one thing we do know: our worship belongs to the Lord. We will not bow down to an image” (Daniel 3:16–18). It is that kind of dedication to worship that we must have. Our worship will be wholly for the Lord.

What will happen when we have the true dedication to worship? We will prevail. Fire cannot burn us, water cannot drown us, and Satan cannot put us down.

Nothing can prevail against us if our hearts are set to be worshipers of the Lord. We may be tested on that point, even as the three Hebrews were; but they had a beautiful person walking with them through the hot coals. Only the bands that bound them were burned, and they came out without even the smell of smoke upon them (Daniel 3:25–27).

We set our hearts to be steadfast worshipers of the Lord. And while we are rejoicing and worshiping, judgment will begin to fall!

Inflexible worship is a worship that absolutely does not waver in its dedication to worship the Lord. It is constant, never deviating from the course to worship God. This worship will break down the last remaining barriers that have kept us from moving forward. It will be the spiritual force that will hold us together as we move forward in the Kingdom.