Ye shall walk together as one

These are not the days that thou should walk in the traditions of the fathers. Thou shalt not follow after the vain things that men have accumulated unto themselves in their vain show of worship, but, thou shalt walk in the ways of the Lord. Thou shalt come before the Lord and be liberated from that which is past, that thou mayest boldly enter into that which is of the future.

Thou shouldest not be as a prophet that looketh forward unto the future and predicteth, but thou shalt be as the people of God that come forth and see the day that is before them, the Kingdom, unfold. Thou shalt not see it to predict it, but thou shalt see it to bring it into the present hour. Thou shalt take of the future and bring it into the present. Thou shalt take that which the Lord setteth before His people, and though it seems to be a dispensation away, by faith thou shalt walk in it this day. Even as Abraham saw the day of the Lord and rejoiced in it, thou shalt walk in it. Thou shalt reach in the Spirit and say, “This is the day. This is the day. It is not a day to observe in the future, but this is the day that the Lord hath opened up and my soul shall magnify the Lord and I shall walk therein.”

This is the time that thy soul shall be blended into one spirit and thou shalt not stand and minister unto the Lord as individuals, but thou shalt stand as a Body that is believing for the Kingdom. Thou shalt stand as the citizens of the Kingdom and as the army of the Kingdom. Thou shalt stand forth as the mighty apostolic company. Thou shalt not look to the distinction of ministries that the Lord gives unto each of thee, but thou shalt look upon thy brother and consider it thine own ministry. Thou shalt look upon thyself and consider it thy brother’s ministry. In honor prefer one another, for thou shalt be a product of a mutual moving of one upon another. Through that which every joint supplieth shall the Body of Christ be made strong, that they may walk in all of the things that the Lord sets before them. Yea, the Lord has not set these things before thee as unattainable. Neither is there a gulf of time that thou must bridge, but there is only this: the gulf of unbelief that thou must bridge by faith. Thou shalt enter in now. Ye shall bless one another. Ye shall constrain thy brother to enter in and thou shalt be constrained by thy brother to enter in. We walk together as one, for it is a day that thou shalt join hands as one Body before the face of the Lord so that the Lord would become entreated for this earth and there shall be a living word for this hour.

The glory which the Lord had with the Father, He hath given unto us that we should all be one. So the Lord shall cause thee to flow together, for the glory of the Lord shall not be upon a divided camp, but upon those whom the Spirit of the Lord hath made one spirit together before the Lord. Yea, let the Spirit of the Lord indeed baptize thee afresh into one Body before the face of the Lord that ye shall stand as one. Ye shall not even consider thyself different churches, but thou shalt consider thyself one Body that the Lord hath raised up, and ye shall flow together and function together. Shall the Lord give one church one word and another church another word? It shall be that the Lord shall direct thee like a pillar of fire that leadeth the whole of the camp, like an anointed cloud that taketh thee all together; for the call of march is upon thee and the glory resteth over thee and the Lord causeth thee to flow into one, that thou shalt enter into the things of the Kingdom that are set before thee. Amen.

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