“Ye that have ears to hear the trumpet”

It is a day of victory that the Lord has set before His people. Therefore let your hearts be glad today and let there be joyful praise unto the Lord. Let there come forth that which is zealous before the face of the Lord, to praise Him and adore Him and to walk in all that He has set before thee. Yea, rejoice in this also that the Lord shall yet speak words unto thee this day. It shall be a day of opening up of new fountains and a new word that shall flow from the heart of the Lord. It is a day when the Lord shall begin to step up the commissioning of His people, the thrusting them forth into the harvest field; that He shall begin to give them the battle plan and commission to go into the battle. Yea, He shall raise up a mighty army and thy heart shall be encouraged to enter into it. Amen.

Yea, the time cometh upon the house of the Lord when the groaning and travail of spirit shall come one day; but before the day is over, the house of God shall assemble in celebration of that which God has brought forth. They shall feast in their love, one with another, rejoicing that the Lord has fulfilled it. The plowman shall overtake the reaper. It shall be the day that ye sow—also the day that you reap. The hour that you pray will also be the hour that the promise is fulfilled when the Lord says, “While they are yet speaking, I’ll hear; I’ll answer them.” Amen. It is a day to believe for the instant flow of the grace of God when the Lord shall turn to flight the armies that come against thee and thou shall see it done in short order.

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