Your intimacy is intimidating

When the father placed us into Christ, he put us into a position of intimate affection between him and the son. In this incredible place of emotional attachment, we are allowed to experience the intimate connection in their relationship. We encounter their unique oneness. We are lovingly confronted by the radiance of their shared glory. We participate in first love. The love that they have had since before the foundation of the world-John 17: 20-26. The love with which Jesus is loved by the father must also be in us.

The goal of God is that we become rooted and grounded by ongoing experience in their love for each other. He desires that we fully understand who we are in the context of first love. In every direction and on each level of life experience we are graced to partake of a love so huge and all-encompassing that we are filled from its fullness-Ephesians 3: 16-21. There is a love, which overwhelms every kind of knowledge and experience. Imagine a love so great it makes us inarticulate with wonder!

In the context of such an awe-inspiring mutual affection we are encouraged to ask for the things beyond what we can reason out and adequately express. In the power of the love that is placed deep within our spirits, we discover a form of prayer that has no words. We reach the place of his incredible passion, and the delight we feel in him causes all manner of holy desires to be articulated through intimate worship.

There is a close familiarity between the father and the son, which we can receive. The Holy Spirit guides us into an internal relationship so powerful that it’s fullness governs our lives! We experienced that cherished trust in the Godhead. We become deeply confident in our attachment to first love. In our innermost being we are lovingly bombarded by the radiant nature of deep, abiding, personal, limitless, relentless, and overwhelming passionate adoration that exists in the community of the father, son and Holy Spirit. It is beyond comprehension. It must be both encountered and experienced fully in our ongoing lifestyle.

In the context of that love, our intimacy becomes the most intimidating thing about us to the enemy. In the passion of first love, we receive influence with power. We become an experienced confident of the Spirit of disclosure (John 16: 13-15) who loves to reveal all things. When we are constantly touched by the deep passion of God’s love, we are wholly set free from any negatives. The prince of this world has nothing in us (John 14: 30). The awe and reverential fear of the Lord governs our life, and it strikes fear into the heart of the demonic. The enemy is rendered vulnerable to the majesty of God’s love radiating through an individual. He is compelled to obey the word of the Lord. He is a created being ordained to serve the purposes of God from the beginning. Nothing has changed! He is compelled to serve Jesus, obey him through the word we speak.

Intimacy with God makes the enemy intimidated. This place has been set aside for us in Christ. Learning to abide there is the seat of power in warfare.

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