Zion revolutionaries

For the Kingdom of God to come forth in our lives, and the world around us, we must speak only His Word and walk in the victory of His Spirit. His Spirit is the Spirit that has overcome the world, the flesh and the devil and has ascended on high and is seated on the right hand of the Father. It is the Spirit that has all authority in heaven and earth, and when we join ourselves to become one spirit with the Lord through faith. All we see is victory.

The kingdom is in another dimension, the unseen realm. The kingdom is the government of God. It flows out of heaven into our spirit, bringing our soul and body under its government, is released through us into the atmosphere around us.

We step into it by faith, receive revelation-direction, strength, being filled with the Spirit and then we plant heaven on earth. We bring the kingdom of heaven down into the earth realm once we experience it in the unseen realm.

We must only accept as our reality, all that God has said about us in Christ. We must appropriate it through all our spiritual senses becoming aware of the divine nature and abilities of God, so that we are partaking of it in the unseen realm. Then we can manifest it upon the earth.

We have to see what the father is doing, hear what he is saying, and this occurs as we enter into the kingdom realm, where our spiritual senses are aware of the presence of God, and then we release it through our words, attitudes, feelings, through the countenance of our being as we walk in the Spirit throughout the day.

The initiative to prophesy, bringing into the present who we are in the future is given to us by the anointing of the Lord. It is through our awareness of the mystical realm in Christ, that we can frame our world through the words we speak.

When we speak the word over ourselves, the enemy will battle us, but we enter into immunity as we walk in the word and it is written upon our hearts. As we claim what God has said, we can re-create situations exactly as God said they are to be. We are enforcing the kingdom of God and advancing it in the earth, first in ourselves and family, then in the outer territory that the Lord gives us.

 We have to learn how to meditate upon the word God speaks to our heart, and release it through crafted prayers. Prayer is stepping into the kingdom realm and entering into the heart of the Father, it is discerning what Jesus is interceding for, releasing it through the Holy Spirit within us through creative prayers enforcing the will of God upon the earth.

We have to learn how to continually voice what the Lord sets before us, the vision of how we are to walk, of what he is becoming in us. Our faith increases as we speak the will of God over our lives in the Spirit.

There is a pattern to the word God speaks. When the Lord reveals the Word, we receive a little light. We receive it in our spirit, but our mind may not fully understand it. In his patience he confirms the word and speaks it again, and it penetrates a little deeper. Our spirit absorbs a little more of that word.

As the kingdom is established in us, we begin to advance it in our cities; we wrestle against principalities and powers. We face battles as we take the initiative to storm strongholds.

The enemy tries to slow down our moving into higher levels, he will attempt to make us retreat or put us on the defensive. He is trying to slow down God’s timetable; he knows he only has a short time.

We are no longer concerned about our earthly life; we are living in the heavenly places in Christ. God is more real to us than the world we live in. We believe in the resurrection, whether we live or die we believe to move into it. Because the Lord lives we shall live also.

We are at the doorstep of the first resurrection.  We live in the hour when a remnant of His people, the first generation of his sons to come forth can enter into the resurrection without death.

The lord is unveiling his word concerning the end times, but we must have the dedication to walk in it. This word causes a revolution (the overthrow of a government in our lives).

The Lord is revealing the principles of the kingdom; a new Joshua generation is being raised up. The Moses generation cannot receive this word; they all died in the wilderness because they could not walk in it.

Under the Moses ministry it was easy to survive because everything was provided for them. But we must become an army that can go in and take the land; we can no longer wander in the wilderness where everything is provided. We must become a company of people who are completely in order and under submission to the divine authority of the Melchizedek priesthood, to go in and possess the place that is to be ours in the kingdom.

We need the spirit of Joshua and Caleb spirit with that violent aggressive faith to see the religious and governmental systems that hold God’s people captive come down.

In the promise land we have to fight for our food, to provide the adequate spiritual food for the people God wants to bring forth. We have to be led by the Spirit to become Zion revolutionaries; the spirit of Joshua must take over. We cannot have church as normal or business as usual.


Before Israel went into the land of Canaan, God warned them to go in and utterly destroy all the inhabitants of the land. Every enemy that they kept alive would become like thorns in their sides from that time on (Numbers 33:55). In the ninth chapter of Joshua we read how the inhabitants of Gibeon tricked Israel into a treaty to spare their lives. Joshua then made them servants to cut wood and carry water.

In Joshua 1:3 we read that the Lord told Joshua, “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you, just as I spoke to Moses.” Notice the tense, “I have given it to you.” He went on to identify the boundaries of the land; then He said, “No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.” Verse 5.

Notice that God told Joshua, “No man will be able to stand before you.” This is the only difference between Joshua and the “Joshuas” of today. In this day we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12). If we rephrased what God said to Joshua for this day, we would say, “No principality, no power, no nephilim spirit, no lying spirit, no human being who is motivated by satanic power will be able to stand before you.”

Many years after the time of Joshua, people were still fighting on a physical level. David’s enemy was a giant, nine feet tall, whose name was Goliath; but he still was flesh and blood, and the battle had to be won on that plane. Today we must fight spiritual battles against principalities and powers which assault our physical bodies. Believers whose spirits have been renewed, redeemed, and regenerated have experienced a glorious release in the saving of the soul life. Now the breakthrough must come for the redemption of our bodies which still can be assaulted with accidents and infirmities and afflictions. Once this immunity is gained, we will move forward as sons in the Lord’s victory.

As fountains speaking the Word of the Lord, many have come forth already with an aggressive initiative, ready to move into their heritage and face the foe. The Lord is causing a report to go before them, as He did before Joshua and the people who walked with God around Jericho until the seventh day when the walls fell down. No one will be able to stand before them. Like Jericho of old, conventional Christianity needs to be thoroughly shaken. There is death on it, but there is life in all that God is bringing forth by His Spirit today.

After the Lord promised Joshua that no man would stand before him, He gave him this command: “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you.” Joshua 1:7a. The same command applies now. Do not turn away from the truths that God has faithfully given through a living Word. Every guideline and safety precaution is found in today’s living Word. Principles by which churches can function have been revealed through the Word in a restoration of the pure New Testament pattern of the Church. More than that, guidelines and principles by which the Kingdom can come forth have also been revealed. The truths that God is bringing now have not been learned in a seminary. Open your heart and you can absorb these principles in a very short time if you are alert and if you listen to the living Word that is coming.

The wisdom that God is bringing in this day was prophesied in Daniel 12 for the end time. Wisdom and knowledge shall be increased. The righteous will have great wisdom and understanding, but none of the wicked will understand. Where will it end? We who live in this end time are only at the threshold of revelation. We have learned much by the Word of the Lord that has been coming in these past years. These guidelines and patterns are a skeleton on which more wisdom and knowledge will be based. The beautiful fruitfulness that is coming to God’s people will be based upon the foundation that has already come. Guidelines have come forth and many are walking in them. Next they must go in and possess their inheritance.

The living Word that is coming forth in this hour is not the word of men, but it is indeed the Word of God. God is speaking! God’s mouthpieces are writing a new book—they are speaking the gospel of the Kingdom that will become very precious. Without the light that God has been giving in the past few years, people would look in vain, although many Bible teachers have seemed to come close to the truth. Today God is making the Scriptures come alive through humble brothers who are speaking the Word of the Lord.

The present disenchanted generation is troubled for valid reasons, and it must be reached with the living Word from the Lord. If it can take hold of this Word, it will live by it. If not, it will turn to crime and perversity. The day is over in which people will respect the laws or the power of the establishment to punish. Many of the new generation have good reason to mock law and order and the present establishment. However, this anarchy is of Satan, and it is not the answer. Anarchy is Satan saying, “We will have no one rule over us.” But the King is saying, “I will rule over you with a rod of iron. I will bring everything under subjection, as My footstool, and every enemy will be brought under My rule” (Psalm 110:1–2).

There was only one instruction that Joshua had to follow: “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth” (this symbolizes the prophetic anointing today; never let your mouth stop speaking God’s Word under the anointing of the Holy Spirit), “but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:7–9.

A new day is coming forth. Do not worry about your problems. When the Israelites walked around Jericho’s walls, it did not make any difference whether or not they were well-adjusted people. They had received no psychiatric counseling. None of them were attending home-relations classes or were bettering themselves at night school. They had not learned to evaluate the scene by discovering what Canaan was like, nor had they studied all the aspects of adjusting to their environment. They knew very little; but when Joshua said, “March,” they marched. When Joshua said, “Stand still,” they stood still. (Even the sun and the moon stood still at his command—Joshua 10:12–14.) Throughout the past months and years, one principle has been the salvation of a remnant of God’s people, and that is their recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and their absolute submission to Him.

Listen to what God has to say and do it. Pray much for the leaders who are speaking God’s Word. An audacious path has been set before God’s people. Like Paul, they must say, “Who is sufficient for these things? But our sufficiency is of God” (II Corinthians 3:5). No one is able to say, “I am going to lead you.” Instead, the leaders must say with a great deal of faith and submission, “The Lord says that we are to go ahead.” God has set an unbelievable task before the leaders of His people. It is necessary that there be nothing in a leader’s spirit which could keep him from speaking the pure Word of God. That Word must be in his mouth, and he must meditate upon it in his heart, because the people are to go in and possess all that God has said is theirs.

The conquest of Canaan was not a defensive action; the Israelites took the aggressive initiative. The first report of the Israelites was that they were like grasshoppers in the sight of the Canaanites, who were giants (Numbers 13:33). Thirty-one nations, many of them mightier than Israel, lived in Canaan. They fought among themselves occasionally, but while the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness they were not bothered by them; only the Amalekites attacked them once or twice. Most of those nations assumed a live-and-let-live attitude toward the Israelites.

In the conquest of Canaan, the initiative was given to Joshua. God said, “Wherever the soles of your feet tread, I have given the land to you.” This is the promise today too: “Wherever your foot treads.” If you have not been there, then you do not have it yet. It is only when you stand on the ground that God says, “I have given it.” This places the initiative on you. God’s people must not purpose to stir up trouble, and yet they must take the initiative to go after Babylonian systems in such a way that those systems will know they have been dispossessed.

A few generations ago, Dwight L. Moody, an outstanding American evangelist, knew this principle. He sent the brothers out to preach on street corners or wherever they could find an opening. When they came back, he asked, “Did you win any converts?” Sometimes they had not. Then he would ask, “Did you make anyone angry?” It had to be one way or the other. Are you concerned about having a good reputation? Or do you feel that a good reputation is not worth worrying about? What are you trying to protect?

Do not be ashamed of the Lord Jesus Christ; rather, be proud of your King. He is not coming this time to be poor little Jesus in us, so that we feel shrunken, like grasshoppers in our sight, and sorry for ourselves. He is the King! He is coming forth to be glorified in His saints and to be admired in everyone who believes (II Thessalonians 1:10). In order for this to happen, you must have this attitude: “I am the witness of the King! I am the voice of the Kingdom! I am the proclaimer of the Word that God has spoken! God has anointed my feet!” Isaiah 52:7 says, How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth! Not only will you publish the tidings, but Romans 16:20 says that your feet will also be used to bruise Satan.

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