Our spirit senses the presence of God.
When we are filled with the Spirit our spirit senses the nature of God.
The life of God flows out of the kingdom of God in our spirit activating all its senses. Our spirit senses certain attributes of God which fill it and flow through it.
Our spirit is activated through sensing the Love of God. The love of God opens up to us the heavenly realms.
Our spirit senses the fruit of the Spirit. God’s love, joy and peace fill our spirit; expand our spirit and flow through it.
As the life of God flows into our spirit our spirit becomes very intuitive (knowing things instinctively, knowing things automatically, knowing things directly, without having to be fully understood with our mind) we intuitively know how to handle situations that use to baffle us.
As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses the holiness of God or the fear of God and our spirit is filled with it and it flows through it.
As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses feelings of deep respect and devotion to God and manifests reverence to God.
As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses what the Holy Spirit reveals to us. The revelation of God flows into our spirit. It is Spirit to spirit communication. The Holy Spirit reveals what was a mystery to the human mind. The information of God is revealed to our spirit in awe and wonder. It is an amazing and valuable experience, the revealing of something previously hidden or secret to our mind.
As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit senses the thoughts of God producing trust and confidence in the nature of God. Faith from God is imparted to our spirit.
As the life of God flows into our spirit, our spirit becomes alive with hope; it has a sense of confident expectation.
As our spirit is filled with the life of God, our spirit senses the presence of God. And in our conscious awareness of God’s presence we communicate with God, we develop two-way conversations with God. Our spirit communes with God in prayer. We ask God questions and receive answers as our spirit senses what He is saying.
As our spirit senses the nature of God, it senses the majesty of God and worship flows through it unto God in a surrendering and joining and yielding to the Excellency of his Lordship over it. We worship God in spirit and truth.
When all our spirit gates or senses are open and flowing with the life of God they lead us in saying to God I choose to surrender myself to you. And this is what God wants us to do. It is the opening up of the door, for the Lord to fill us with all of His fullness.
As our spirit is filled with the life of God, our spiritual senses become gateways in which the life and nature of God flow through it to other people.
The senses of our spirit are first love, worship, and fear of God, reverence of God, revelation, intuition, prayer, faith, and hope.
Our soul also has certain senses or functions- Conscience, reason, imagination, mind, emotions, will and choice.
Our body also has senses, seeing, hearing, taste, touch and smell.