Our spirit lives in the realm of eternity. It came out of eternity, and it will return to eternity. Every person’s spirit will return to eternity. It will return to God who gave it when a person dies. When a person gets born from above their spirit becomes divine, and an offspring of God by… Continue reading Our spirit does not live in time
Category: Our spirit
Who You Are in the Spirit
If I were to ask you “Do you know who you are?” your immediate answer would be, “Of course I do.” But can you imagine what it would be like if suddenly you lost all memory of your name, where you lived, who was your husband or wife, your children, where you worked, etc? It… Continue reading Who You Are in the Spirit
Our spirits 1
This was the day that the Lord gave us a Word, early this morning before dawn, that we were going to be in control; and it seems like everything has gone the other direction from that. But I’ve seen that happen before, haven’t you? You get a Word and you’re tried in it before it… Continue reading Our spirits 1
Greater than a conqueror
Proverbs 16:32 tells us, “He that ruleth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city.” This proverb came from the wisdom of Solomon. As a ruler, he recognized what things were difficult to achieve. Although he failed in fulfilling his own proverb, yet he established a truth that is very real for… Continue reading Greater than a conqueror
You can’t fool a right spirit
Problems will be solved as you follow God’s leading with a right spirit. But if you have a wrong spirit, you open the door to many more problems. If your spirit is bitter, you will not move on in God. Keep right in your spirit. Be dedicated to intercede, to work, and to worship where… Continue reading You can’t fool a right spirit
How’s your spirit?
There is a simplicity in all that God does. God has a way of speaking a simple Word over your life that gives you something in your heart that you know is your destiny to fulfill—that is, the works which He has “before ordained that you should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). There is a… Continue reading How’s your spirit?
Greater than he that taketh a city
When the spirit of discouragement and depression comes to harass the people of the Lord, they can become victims of it almost without realizing how much it is controlled by the spirit realm. If they realized the danger of it, they would rebuke it and not yield to it. He that is slow to anger… Continue reading Greater than he that taketh a city
The cleansing of your spirit
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the… Continue reading The cleansing of your spirit
A right spirit 1
Create in me a clean heart, O God; And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; And take not thy holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; And uphold me with a willing spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; And sinners shall… Continue reading A right spirit 1
Wholly sanctified 1
And the God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. I Thessalonians 5:23–24. In that order—spirit, soul, body. For the creature was made subject… Continue reading Wholly sanctified 1
The outskirts of the camp
Now the people became like those who complain of adversity in the hearing of the Lord; and when the Lord heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed some of the outskirts of the camp. The people therefore cried out to Moses, and Moses prayed to… Continue reading The outskirts of the camp
One heart and a new spirit
God led the children of Israel out of Egypt to make them a people for His own possession. He desired to enter into a marriage covenant with them and spoke to them the commandments or terms of the covenant. When the people heard the voice of the Lord, they responded: “ ‘… if we hear the… Continue reading One heart and a new spirit
Living in the secret place
The secret place of the most high is our spirit. How do we dwell in the secret place of the most high? How do we live there, how do we connect with that? First we need to realize is that our spirit is not of this world. It came out of heaven into our body… Continue reading Living in the secret place
Wholly sanctified
Let us describe briefly the condition that is in the world. In the world today we speak a great deal of the law of the jungle wherein the stronger devour the weaker. Then you remember Isaiah’s prophecy, “They will not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain. The wolf shall lie down with the… Continue reading Wholly sanctified
The ABC’s of our spirit
I am amazed at how many people have never heard a basic explanation of ministering and how to minister. We need a simple explanation of what we are—spirit, soul and body—and how we function. There is nothing worse than to get into a habit or a ritual until what we do is mechanical and without… Continue reading The ABC’s of our spirit
The intensity the Lord wants in our spirit
The Lord has revealed with many illustrations from the Scriptures the intensity He wants in our spirit: how aggressive and violent, how ruthless and relentless our spirit is to be as it pursues after the Lord. God never intended that man should be anything other than a triune nature. We are not trying to reach… Continue reading The intensity the Lord wants in our spirit
Understanding ourselves
Our spirit generally falls into one of two categories. It is either an objective spirit or a subjective spirit. Usually this can be seen in a child soon after he is born. The objective spirit tends to be spiritually scientific in its approach to things; whereas the subjective spirit tends to be more emotionally religious… Continue reading Understanding ourselves
Waking your spirit
Have you noticed that the biggest factor in your walk with God is that you fail to wait on the Lord, you fail to read the Word and you fail to pray? This is very common in most christians. But I can give you a key so that each day can be lived in the… Continue reading Waking your spirit
Waking our spirit
If we learn how to walk in the spirit, we will not fulfill the desire of the flesh, that union of soul and body that wants to act independently of God. In order to walk in the spirit, we are going to have to become aware of our spirit. So when we wake up in… Continue reading Waking our spirit
What influences our spirit?
Our spirit is influenced by the Body, the Soul and the Holy Spirit Our spirit has a very difficult time maturing. Its growth is constantly being frustrated, thwarted and stunted by the powerful influence of the soul and the needs or lusts body. Our body is very powerful in its effect upon our soul and… Continue reading What influences our spirit?
Why do we call God father?
The Word of God tells us very clearly that God is the “Father of spirits.” Hebrews 12:9, “Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us and we respected them, shall we not much rather be in submission unto the Father of spirits, and live?” What Makes a Father? A father is a person who has… Continue reading Why do we call God father?
Defilements of spirit
When our spirit was generated, made alive with the eternal life of God, we were born of the spirit. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. But when our spirit is not drawing the life of God it can become defiled, no longer clean and pure and holy. The eternal life of God is… Continue reading Defilements of spirit
The perfecting of our spirit
When we are born from above, the seed of God is conceived in our spirit. The seed of God is the D.N.A of God and is perfect. The seed of God is the living Word of God, Christ in us the hope of Glory. The seed or life of God in us cannot sin. 1… Continue reading The perfecting of our spirit
Our spirits
When we get a Word from the Lord it seems like everything goes in the opposite direction of that word. You get a Word and you’re tried in it before it comes to pass. “Until the day that it came to pass, the Word of the Lord tried him,” was the way the Psalms talked… Continue reading Our spirits
The strengthening of the Holy Spirit
The strengthening of the Holy Spirit is needed for our spirit to control our soul and body and to be the channel of the Holy Spirit, for the flowing out of His life to others. Ephesians 3:14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom… Continue reading The strengthening of the Holy Spirit
Control of our spirit
CONTROLING OUR SPIRIT Many passages in the Bible speak about the end time. We read in I Timothy 4:1: But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. In the latter times we are going to be up against… Continue reading Control of our spirit
Being aware of our spirit
The will of God is first of all a state of spirit. A lot of Christians are not really aware of their spirit. Our spirit is the part of us that connects to God, where His life flows into it. To understand our spirit it is important to look at every reference in the bible… Continue reading Being aware of our spirit
Awareness of our spirit
When our spirit was made alive with God’s eternal life, a new realm of existence was opened up to us. We can now experience heaven on earth every day of our lives. Because we bring the will of God down upon the earth, we will experience burdens and mourning in the spirit, but even in… Continue reading Awareness of our spirit
Frequencies of our spirit
All things in the universe whether visible or invisible, are formed from energy; both in the spiritual world and the physical. Science measures this energy in terms of frequency. They have been able to identify them by the frequency they emit. The number of repetitive waves in a given amount of time determines a frequency.… Continue reading Frequencies of our spirit
Functions of our spirit
The primary function, the first function of our spirit is to be in touch with God. Our spirit has the ability to connect with God, to tune into God, to be aware of God. God’s Spirit is able to communicate with our spirit, particularly as it grows to maturity. We need to grow in spirit… Continue reading Functions of our spirit
Becoming aware of our spirit
Our spirit has senses; it has the ability to sense God, to perceive God, to feel God, to experience God. It is through our spirit’s senses that we become conscious of God. The senses of our spirit have to be activated in God, in order to sense the Spirit of God. Our spirit has to… Continue reading Becoming aware of our spirit
Right spirit
There is a beauty coming forth in the hearts of God’s people. It is called having a right spirit. The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, and it radiates out of us though our soul and body so that others can see the glory we are reflecting. The qualities which shine forth… Continue reading Right spirit
A right spirit
When our spirit is right with God it radiates His Glory, it shines: we have a glow about us. There is nothing more beautiful than having a right spirit with God. The Spirit of God comes forth in it and manifests through it. We minister God to other people and we don’t even have to… Continue reading A right spirit
What is our spirit?
If we want to personally encounter God inside of us and the heavenly realms outside of us we need to be aware of our spirit and learn how to exercise it, so that it grows and becomes strong. If we are not aware of our spirit and learn how to develop it, we will not… Continue reading What is our spirit?
The substance of our spirit
We tend to think and subconsciously believe that the spirit realm is not as real as the natural realm. We think that consciously or unconsciously because we live most of our time in the natural realm without spiritual awareness. So in our thinking and our consciousness and our awareness we tend to think that the… Continue reading The substance of our spirit