Living in the secret place

The secret place of the most high is our spirit. How do we dwell in the secret place of the most high? How do we live there, how do we connect with that?

First we need to realize is that our spirit is not of this world. It came out of heaven into our body at conception and we became a living soul.

Our spirit lives in another dimension, it exists in another dimension. It is invisible to the natural eye. It doesn’t live in the dimensions of time and space as we know it.

Although our spirit is in us, it also is in heaven if it is born from above seated with Christ in heavenly places.

We have another you living in almost like a parallel world living inside of you. Your spirit is inside of you and it is keeping you alive. It is the power source that powers your brain, the cells in your body and keeps you alive.

James 2:26 For the body without your spirit is dead. When you die your spirit comes out of your body and the power source has left.

So there are two of you, the inner man (your spirit) and the outer man (your body which contains your soul).

1 Corinthians 6: 17But he that is joined (continuous repeated action- to glue, cleave, join together with) unto the Lord is one (to indicate the singularity of something, thus emphasizing that there is but one only, one and the same, not at variance with, in accord with) spirit.

When you are born again there is a permanent connect with your spirit and the Lord. The problem is that you might not be aware of that. It is a reality but your soul is not aware of it because you have not learned how to continuously join your spirit to the Lord where your soul interprets the senses of your spirit so that you are aware of that.

Our spirit is in another realm seated with Christ in heavenly places and our soul is not aware of it.

When we are born from above the seed of God is conceived in our spirit, and that seed cannot sin.

1 Peter 1: 23 being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible (not capable of perishing, deterioration, sin), by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.

When you were born of God you received the seed of God, the D.N.A of God, the nature of God, the divine nature, who God is which is love. You are a new species, a new creation.

The seed of God comes into us, the nature of God, but it has to grow. Within the seed is a full grown son of God, it is Christ being formed in us, our primary destiny to be conformed to His image.

Our spirit has never read the word of God until we read it (the outer man). Most in the early church didn’t even have a New Testament. But they had an intimate relationship with Holy Spirit.

Your spirit needs you to read the word; you have to get the Word into your spirit so it becomes a revelation. You must understand this because your spirit has to grow. And your spirit grows a lot faster when you speak the word. And our spirit grows a lot faster than our natural minds comprehension of it.

Jesus is the word of God in heaven and our spirit craves the word of God. We only know as much about God as our spirit does. And our spirit has access to it through our outer man.

The natural mind cannot know the things of God, it needs our spirit first to understand it, and then it needs our spirit to covey that to the outer man (our soul and brain).

The more mature the inner man is the more it impresses upon the outer man.

The secret place of the most high is your inner man (your spirit) which is joined to the Lord through the new birth.

So how do we dwell there? Because if we don’t we are not going to survive what is coming upon the earth in the next couple years.

Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall dwell under the shadow (defense, a hovering over) of the Almighty.

The secret place is our spirit, so how do we dwell there? It is a matter of faith and awareness. Only what you are aware of is real to you. This is a law that operates in the natural realm and also the spiritual realm. It is important that you understand this.

For Jesus to be real to you, you have to be aware of His presence. And it is in our spirit that we sense His presence.

King David was a man who walked with God and he had a heart after God. He spent much of his time in the presence of God, until he finally learned how to be constantly aware of the Lord.

Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

David was aware that the Lord was always with him. He knew that but to be aware of it is another thing. David learned and developed spiritual awareness.

Acts 2:25 David spoke concerning the Lord, I foresaw the Lord always before my face.

He knew the Lord was always with him; therefore he developed awareness of Him.

David in his tabernacle would sit there for hours and watch the arc of the covenant, and the light coming from it.

The phrase in the spirit occurs 26 times in the New Testament. What does it mean to be in the Spirit?

Romans chapter 8:However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him.

Galatians 5; 16 But I say, walk in the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.

Galatians 5: 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Revelation 1: 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day,

What does it mean to be in the spirit?

We are told to walk in the spirit. We are told to live in the spirit. But we are not told how to do it.

This is a bit like prophecy. We’re told that all may prophesy. But we are not told how to do it. These things have to be taught us of the Holy Spirit, so that we can teach them to other people.

It is difficult to describe spiritual things because we are more at home in a natural realm than we are in the spiritual realm.

We understand the physical realm because that is where we have lived most of our lives.

Awareness plays a very big part in understanding this subject.

Spiritual awareness requires discipline, and the use of our spiritual senses.

Hebrews 5:14 but strong meet belongs to those that are of full age even those who by reason of use have their senses (spiritual) exercised to discern good and evil.

David walked with God and spent much time in his presence, until he finally learned how to consistently have a connection with the Lord.

Psalm 16:8 I have set the Lord before me. This was some David did. David knew he was there, although he was invisible to the natural senses. David learned how to set the Lord before him, how to connect with the spiritual realm. He learned and developed spiritual awareness. This verse is a key to how David walked with the Lord.

David saw the Lord; he developed the ability to maintain a conscience connection with the Lord.

Spiritual awareness begins with first becoming aware of your own human spirit. This is where you start, becoming aware of your own human spirit.

You have to develop an awareness of your spirit. When was the last time you were aware of your spirit.

To become developed in spiritual awareness, the first thing is you have to be aware of your own spirit.

You need to learn the voice of your spirit. Your spirit has as a voice; The Holy Spirit has a voice.

You need to practice being aware of your spirit. Think about your spirit. Imagine your spirit on the inside of you.

Form a mental image of your spirit on the inside of you. You have to develop an awareness of your spirit, until you become aware of it naturally all the time, instead of having to focus.

You will not become too aware of the spirit realm, until you’re aware of your own spirit, the real you.

Once you become aware of your spirit, then you will start to become aware of the wider sphere of the kingdom of God.

The doorway into that realm is through your spirit. You cannot go there with the natural mind. But you can go there with your spirit. Your spirit has no limitations upon it. It exists in the same realm.

Luke 17:21 the kingdom is within you.

1 Peter 3: But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible,

Somewhere within you there is a hidden man in a secret place. And that hidden man has a constant, permanent connection with the Lord. It is the real you.

 This person existed in eternity before you were born a human being, before this world took on a physical form, Before you had a physical body. Your spirit existed in that realm.

The outward man is visible to the natural eye and the physical senses. The inward man is invisible to our natural senses.

2 Corinthians 4: 16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

Here we have the two men, the outward man and the inward man.

So only what is real to you, is what you are aware of.

Life flows from our spirit, into our soul and into our body. But if that life is to increase in our physical body, it is going to happen through our awareness.

To be spiritually minded means we have an awareness of that realm.

The stronger your spirit is, the more life that is flowing into your body.

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